Showing 8 Result(s)

My Brother Doesn’t Paws for Thought

Hello everyone, it’s me – Fiji! I know I promised to tell you more about my brother, Onyx. He’s now been part of our family for 5 months and has wriggled his way into the day-to-day activities of the house very well. He is full of energy and loves to run around and play. He …

Paws for Thought on the Couch

The very first day mom brought me home from guide dog training school I had a meeting with my new doggy siblings, Eccles, Emily and Calvin. They told me that mom and dad were already mostly well trained, with one exception – we weren’t allowed to sleep on the furniture. I gave the matter some …

Paws for Thought on My 2019 Wishlist

I was perturbed to read mom’s last article and see no mention of me in her intentions for the year. So I’m going to correct her oversight and hope she pays attention to my Wishlist for 2019. You’ll notice my needs are a lot simpler than mom’s. it’s okay that she wants to achieve lots …

Paws for Thought on My Life So Far

I can’t believe I turned four years old last week. And that mom and I have been partnered for 2.5 years already. As I lie here snuggled up against the cold, I’ve been reflecting on all that’s happened in my life so far. I’ll admit I was a little worried when mom and I first …